Friday, September 05, 2008


After my first day of school, I decided I deserved a prize for all the suffering. I went shopping, I saw it there… and I could not avoid it, I took the cajón flamenco home. Ok, ok, I did not see it there, I had to ask for it, because there was only one left in the shop and it was in the warehouse, but the shop-assistant told that they had the minimum price warranted, you know...
Actually, I had entered the shop because I am engaged in buying a digital drum set, to see if I study a bit this way. I am trying to buy it second-hand, but wanted to check the prices.
And there h is, the nice young shop assistant, who asked me exactly the same question that a couple of days asked me a guy from Craig list. A question sharpened like a knife in the middle of my back, just in the solar plexus, in the middle of that chakra..."Is it for your son?"
Is it for my son ???!!! NOOO IT IS FOR ME

But you need to accept reality, because maybe due to the exam stresses and the paperwork, I suddenly have lots of little pains, my back, my teeth, the are all really bad, so that the friendly dentist says to me that he can tell I have lots of things done but it seems I have not been to a dentist in ten years. I, who pay for the dentist's holidays every year ; a blister with the size of a watermelon due to skating around here, but that is another post; my period, that has come down just on the first day of school, and there I was, breathing breathing all the time to avoid calling the dean on the first day, although I would call him just to check him out when he walks around the class, he looks so hot when he tells the kid off!! ( I suppose that should be another post) So, I will spend my time studying reiki and rune reading on the internet, to the theatre and to the cajon, before doing things with my body. No, not that type of things, you perverted readers of my blog.
After my first day of school, I decided I deserved a prize for all the suffering. I went shopping, I saw it there… and I could not avoid it, I took the cajón flamenco home. Ok, ok, I did not see it there, I had to ask for it, because there was only one left in the shop and it was in the warehouse, but the shop-assistant told that they had the minimum price warranted, you know...
Actually, I had entered the shop because I am engaged in buying a digital drum set, to see if I study a bit this way. I am trying to buy it second-hand, but wanted to check the prices.
And there h is, the nice young shop assistant, who asked me exactly the same question that a couple of days asked me a guy from Craig list. A question sharpened like a knife in the middle of my back, just in the solar plexus, in the middle of that chakra..."Is it for your son?"
Is it for my son ???!!! NOOO IT IS FOR ME

But you need to accept reality, because maybe due to the exam stresses and the paperwork, I suddenly have lots of little pains, my back, my teeth, the are all really bad, so that the friendly dentist says to me that he can tell I have lots of things done but it seems I have not been to a dentist in ten years. I, who pay for the dentist's holidays every year ; a blister with the size of a watermelon due to skating around here, but that is another post; my period, that has come down just on the first day of school, and there I was, breathing breathing all the time to avoid calling the dean on the first day, although I would call him just to check him out when he walks around the class, he looks so hot when he tells the kid off!! ( I suppose that should be another post) So, I will spend my time studying reiki and rune reading on the internet, to the theatre and to the cajon, before doing things with my body. No, not that type of things, you perverted readers of my blog.

The thing is that my brother and some other friendo worry a lot about this new age spirituality that has come over me, and they are scared of me being a member of a scienciology church or somehting like that. However, my friend Puri worried far more whe I told her I was thinking about joining the New York Circus Academy to do some trapezium, when my back ges better and I get as thin as a feather. I wonder why.

Después del primer día de clase, decidí que me merecía un premio de tanto aguantarme fui de compras,lo vi ahí... y no pude evitarlo, me llevé el cajón flamenco a casa. Vale, no lo vi ahí, lo tuve que pedir porque solo les quedaba uno y estaba en el almacén, pero me dijo el tendero que tenía el precio mínimo garantizado... oyes...
En realidad había entrado porque estoy empeñada en comprarme una batería MIDI, para ver si así estudio un poco. La estoy intentando comprar de segunda mano, pero quería mirar como iban los precios.

Y he ahí, el simpático tendero de baterías jovencillo, que me preguntó exactamente lo mismo que hace un par de días me preguntó por teléfono uno del craig list ( el segunda mano de USA). Un pregunta afilada como un puñal en plena espalda, justo por el plexo solas, en pleno chacra..."¿Es para su hijo?"
!!!!¿¿Es para mi hijo??!!!! NOOOO ES PARA MI.

Pero hay que aceptar la realidad, que debe ser por el estrés de las opos y el papeleo, que me han salido todos los achaques de repente, la espalda, las muelas que las tengo todas fatal, que me dice el majo del dentista que es como si ni hubiese ido en diez años, pero que ve que tengo un montón de cosas hechas así que no puede ser así, te diré, si le pago las vacaciones al dentista todos lo años; un pedazo de ampolla del tamaño de una sandía de patinar por aquí, pero eso ya es otro post; la regla, que me ha bajado justo el primer día de clase, y yo respirando respirando respirando todo el tiempo para no llamar al dean el primer día, aunque con tal de echarle un vistazo cuando se pasea por la clase, yo lo llamaba más veces, que que morbo cuando me regaña a los niños ( eso también debería ser otro post). Así que me dedicaré a estudiar reiki y runas por internet, al teatro y al cajón, antes de seguir haciendo cosas con el cuerpo. No, esas cosas no decía, pervertid@s lectores de mi blog.

El caso es que mi hermano y algunos otros amigos están muy preocupados con esta espiritualidad newagera que me ha dado, y temen que acabe siendo miembro de la cienciología o algo peor. En cambio, a mi amiga Puri le ha preocupado mucho más cuando le he dicho que quería apuntarme a la escuela de circo de Nueva York a hacer trapecio, cuando se me cure la espalda y adelgace cual sílfide. Me pregunto por qué será.


bizarro con interrupciones said...

Ja, ja, Anita. Sólo tú te puedes ir a NYC y comprarte el cajón flamenco ahí. Claro, que seguro que es mucho más barato y además como ser es del Perú.

Cuidate mucho y haz caso a tu hermano y a Puri :-) Un besote,

lille skvat said...

Estaba viendo las fotos que has cambiado en la serie de diapositivas y he visto una, la que se llama pluma, que me encanta y que me viene de perlas para ponerla en mi blog en eso de el pelo es como las plumas, si me das permiso. ¿Puedo? Estás muy sexy ;-)

Miss Molinero said...

Sí claro, yo encantada de que pongan por ahí. :D Muchas gracias.

lille skvat said...

Pues te robo entonces la foto y te pongo en mi blog.

De nada, es la verdad, ¡guapa! :-)

awkwardblogger said...

Noooo, trapecio no.. TRAPECIO NOO!!! Que no se te puede dejar sola!!!! xDD